50 Most Anticipated Movies Of 2023

32. Ferrari

Ferrari Adam Driver

Michael Mann returns with Ferrari, his first film in eight years, starring Adam Driver as Italian driver and entrepreneur Enzo Ferrari.

The film will focus on a middle-aged Ferrari as he weathers family issues will preparing for the famous 1957 Mille Miglia race.

Though Driver's casting as a Ferrari in his late-fifties certainly raises a few eyebrows, he's enough of a talent that he can probably rise to that challenge with a strong script and solid makeup work.

He certainly won't be left wanting for talented co-stars to bounce dialogue off, given that he'll be joined by Penélope Cruz, Shailene Woodley, Sarah Gadon, Jack O'Connell, and Patrick Dempsey.

If it's good enough, Driver will absolutely be a major contender for the Best Actor Oscar in 2024.

Ferrari releases sometime in 2023.

31. Creed III

Creed 3 Michael B Jordan

The world absolutely didn't need a third Creed film after Creed II delivered such an unexpectedly impactful ending, but on the basis of its first trailer alone, it looks set to be another worthwhile entry into the enduring boxing franchise.

In addition to starring, Michael B. Jordan also slides into the director's chair this time around, as Adonis Creed (Jordan) faces off against Damian "Dame" Anderson (an absolutely jacked Jonathan Majors) - a childhood friend with a major score to settle.

Though some might decry the absence of Sylvester Stallone's Rocky in this sequel, he was given such a fitting send-off in Creed II that it feels time for the Creed movies to continue on without him.

If it can match the emotion and intrigue of the first two films, it should end the trilogy on a satisfying note.

Creed III releases on March 3.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.