50 Most Anticipated Movies Of 2023

28. Rebel Moon

Rebel Moon Djimon Hounsou

Zack Snyder returns with another ambitious, off-the-wall blockbuster for Netflix - this time an epic space opera in which a peaceful colony on the edge of the galaxy is threatened by the armies of a galactic tyrant, Balisarius (Ed Skrein).

Netflix evidently has a lot of faith in Snyder after Army of the Dead proved a huge ratings hit on the platform, enough that they allowed him to shoot Rebel Moon back-to-back with a sequel, with both parts wrapping shooting back in November.

As for the cast? It's pretty damn ridiculous, including Sofia Boutella, Charlie Hunnam, Ray Fisher, Djimon Hounsou, Jena Malone, Corey Stoll, Cary Elwes, and perhaps most intriguingly of all, Anthony Hopkins as the voice of a mechanized battle robot, because why the hell not?

Snyder's films don't tend to have the strongest narratives, but he can certainly deliver a spectacle like few others.

Rebel Moon releases sometime in 2023.

27. Elemental

Elemental Pixar

Pixar hopes to restore their theatrical box office glory after a few stumbles with Elemental, from The Good Dinosaur director Peter Sohn.

The story unfolds in a city where residents are all element-based lifeforms - fire, water, land, and air - and while co-existing together, tend to remain in their elemental cliques.

But that all changes when fiery Ember Lumen (Leah Lewis) makes friends with water element Wade Ripple (Mamoudou Athie), and they come to realise there's more to life than sticking to your own pack.

It doesn't sound like the most complex of Pixar stories, but is reportedly informed by director Sohn's experiences growing up as the son of immigrants in 1970s New York.

Pixar's films with such a personal touch tend to hit a little differently, so hopefully the studio has another solid gold classic in its midst.

Elemental releases on June 16.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.