50 Most Exciting Upcoming Comic Book Movies - Ranked

18. Captain Marvel

Status: Confirmed but uncast. Due: March 8th 2019 Key Players: Conspicuously nobody yet. There€™s a lot of rumours flying around - including, horribly, Ronda Rousey - but concrete information is distinctly hard to come by. What€™s It About: You€™d have to imagine this will be an origin story for Carol Danvers, who literally exploded into her superpowers in the €˜60s when caught in a blast with the original Kree Captain Marvel becoming Ms Marvel before the two characters were merged. Why We Should Care: A lot is being said about the fact that Captain Marvel is the MCU€™s first real female lead (ok, The Wasp is there but apparently sharing top billing isn€™t a proper lead for some), so there€™s that. And there€™s also the fact that she€™s a great character who will add some much needed freshness to the line-up.

17. Inhumans

Status: Despite rumours, still alive Due: July 12th 2019 Key Players: Like Captain Marvel, there€™s very little news on this front, other than the fact that Joe Robert Cole has written the screenplay. Casting is conspicuously quiet, and while there are already Inhumans in Agents Of SHIELD, it remains to be seen how keen Kevin Feige is to tie the TV shows to the films. What€™s It About: It€™s basically intergalactic X-Men, led by the superpowered royal family of Black Bolt, Medusa, Karnak, Gorgon, Triton, Crystal, Lockjaw and Maximus the Mad. Given its placement, it€™s likely the film will pick up the pieces after Infinity War. Why We Should Care: Without X-Men, the MCU can€™t introduce a whole race of superheroes and take advantage of that depth of story-telling, but they can with the Inhumans (even if they€™re in space). If they basically rip off the approach to the X_Men franchise with some of Guardians Of The Galaxy€™s tone, we€™re in for a good trip.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.