50 Most Exciting Upcoming Comic Book Movies - Ranked

44. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 (& 3)

Status: Contracts suggest both are coming. Due: The first sequel - horrendously and confusingly named Half-Shell - will come on June 3rd 2016, and when that inevitably makes money, the sequel will likely follow a year or two later. Key Players: The majority of the main cast from the first movie, with the addition of Bebop and Rocksteady (played by WWE star Sheamus and Gary Anthony Williams) and Stephen Amell as Casey Jones. What€™s It About: The Turtles continue to fight Shredder, since he's confirmed to return, plus the Foot Clan and new recruits Bebop and Rocksteady while Megan Fox stands around looking shocked. Or at least trying to. Why We Should Care: Well, someone is clearly spending money to go and see Michael Bay ruin everyone's childhoods repeatedly, so clearly they already care. But there's also something irresistible in seeing how the team surpass the first film in the idiot stakes, like the best car crash cinema.

43. Constantine

Status: In development. Due: The other side of 2018, if at all. Key Players: New Line Cinema are the studio challenged with doing what parent company Warner Bros previously failed at. You'd like to think Matt Ryan would be brought back in to continue his TV performance, as it was great, but it's probably more likely we'll see a whole new version. What€™s It About: John Constantine is a chain-smoking occult detective who solves supernatural cases and defies demons along the way. In other words, he's the kind of character you'd love Guillermo Del Toro to get his hands on. Why We Should Care: Despite the fact that there's now been TWO failed attempts at adapting the comic, the character remains enduringly popular, and you get the sense that in the right hands (Edgar Wright maybe), it would all come together. Hopefully, if Deadpool works as an R-Rated release, a proper Constantine might actually become possible.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.