50 Most Exciting Upcoming Comic Book Movies - Ranked

42. Fantastic Four 2 (OR Marvel's Fantastic Four)

Status: On indefinite hold. Due: Who knows? Key Players: For now, Fox still have the rights. There was some talk of Marvel reclaiming them for their own MCU version of their first super team, but that rumour seems to have died as quickly as it was announced. If it was announced, jump this up the list a good few places automatically. What€™s It About: If the sequel manages to drag itself out of development hell, you'd imagine it would take up the story of the first film (or hopefully retcon the hell out of it to its benefit). Under Marvel's guidance, expect another origin, with more comic book sensibilities. Why We Should Care: Well, the Fantastic Four are comic book royalty, and though everything made so far suggests they're too silly for a real film, they've been enduringly popular enough over the years to suggest there's still something in the brand.

41. Aquaman

Status: Incoming Due: 27th July 2018 Key Players: Game Of Thrones colossus Jason Momoa is the magical submariner, but he's the only one confirmed so far (unless the rumours that Ben Affleck's Batman is basically going to cameo in every DCEU film are to be believed). There are currently two scripts in development, competing for Warner Bros' attention, which should ensure at least one is good. Unless they're both terrible of course. What€™s It About: The Lord of the Fish and king of Atlantis will bring an element of otherness to the DCEU, as Thor did for the MCU. He'll probably be fighting a fish, or another ocean based bad guy who might be part fish. Hopefully they'll aim for Guardians Of The Galaxy style humour or the fish angle is going to be a difficult sell. Why We Should Care: Because DC and Warner Bros really, really need us to. And we will have met Aquaman twice already by this point, so there's a good chance he won't be entirely without fans by the time it comes out. Humour would go a long way to managing that.

WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.