6 Awesome Movie Superheroine Costumes (And 4 That Sucked)

3. Invisible Woman (Fantastic Four)

Sue Storm The Fantastic Four costumes are awful and particularly so for the lady of the group - even Jessica Alba can't pull it off. The blue body-suits that the cosmic-powered quartet wear possess all the glamour of a cheap one-piece blue tracksuit and are simply horrific. They're as unflattering as they are dull and the only thing that these outfits have going for them is the fact that the molecules that they are composed of were also altered in the cosmic storm that granted the team their powers, allowing the fabric to conform with the wearer's form and to not succumb to the wearer's powers (so, for example, when Reed stretches, so does his suit, when Johnny is engulfed in flames, his suit doesn't burn off and when Sue turns invisible, her suit does too). Still, it doesn't compensate for the fact that they are hideously dull and highly uncool.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.