6 Awesome Movie Superheroine Costumes (And 4 That Sucked)

2. Storm & The X-Women (X-Men)

storm x-men Poor Halle Berry, on the sucky list for a second time. On the males of the group, these unflattering leather outfits make them look like group of middle-aged, mid-life crisis bikers. On the women... pretty much the same, but add "butch lesbian" in to the mix. Not a bad thing in itself - each to their own and all that - but for superheroines, these outfits just don't work. There's really nothing nice about them. Not a single thing. Leather normally works on attractive women but these are just too bland. More to the point, the outfits don't even match. They're all leather, all seem to have zip fasteners, and they are indeed all horrible, but they're all different styles and there's no conformity, so the female members of the team do indeed just look like a bunch of random ladette bikers who've met up at a bar.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.