6 Comic Book Films ONLY Fanboys Can Hate
5. The Incredible Hulk
Now granted, I am not that big of a fan of the Ang Lee adaptation. Although I do enjoy the movie and the origin story was pretty good. It was way too long, a little melodramatic (in a boring way) and suffered from too much synopsis for too simple a story. There really is no complex back story to the Hulk. He is a scientist who has an accident which turns his dark, subconscious side into a manifestation that we all come to find out is a menacing green hulk. Not much there if you really think about it.. But they tried to stretch what they had over 2+ hours. I find if they had edited a good 20 minutes of filler out of t it would have been accepted as a great addition to the superhero genre.
But then came the sequel/reboot in the form of Edward Norton and "the Incredible Hulk", and to this day I simply don't understand why fanboys complain about this. The reasons they give are completely nonsensical and can be rebuked in just about every way. It is EXACTLY what I would expect an Incredible Hulk film to be like. But unlike certain other people who appear in this list, the studios actually seemed to give you everything you asked for. It's true to the source material with Edward Norton putting on a great job with his performance as Bruce Banner. They took out a lot of the unnecessary subplots that bogged down "The Hulk", added some truly intense action sequences and gave us Tim Roth (again, quality actor) as the villian taken straight from the pages of Marvel lore. But no, that is simply not good enough apparently. Okay, fine. But you tell me, what more do you expect from a movie about the Jolly Green Giant having a mental breakdown (come on, lets face it, it's all the Hulk is technically). After all is said and done "the Incredible Hulk" and its legacy was affected by one thing. The ability for the sheep to jump on the hate bandwagon at a moments notice. But unlike "Watchmen" where it still seems to be accepted as a good film, this movie does not have that luxury and has been relegated to history of "what never should have been." Which is completely unfair, untrue and proves the point of this article tenfold. Oh, and one other thing. Comparing Norton's performance to Ruffalo's is mind numbingly unrealistic. I always hear the argument that Ruffalo's is the superior Hulk in every way, but allow me to retort. I can't for the life of me comprehend this ideology as even though Ruffalo was a good Hulk, he didn't actually have a whole movie to carry and was surrounded by not only some of the finest actors in the world but an entire superhero team he could fall back on to at a moments notice. Even my cat could be the Hulk in those circumstances....so until Ruffalo gets his own film, Norton is by far the superior Hulk.