6 Crazy Lord Of The Rings Theories (And Why They Might Be True)

5. Gollum Murdered Frodo’s Parents

Wormtongue Ring
Warner Bros. Pictures

Dark rumours circulate the death of both Drogo Baggins and Primula Brandybuck. Some say Baggins ate too much and the boat sank, others that Primula pushed him in and got dragged along. However, one theory tells the tale of Gollum’s 30 year hunt for the ring and his desperation to find a Baggins.

Very little is known of Gollum’s whereabouts between The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. He left the mountains in search of Bilbo in 2944, is reported to head towards Mordor in 1951 and doesn’t appear in the timeline again until he meets Shelob in 1980 (the year Drogo and Primula met their fate). The theory goes that Gollum stalked the Baggins name until it led him to the boat on the Brandywine where he would kill both hobbits in a desperate bid to find the ring.

It is mentioned by Gandalf that something drew Gollum away from the Shire, something that made him flee all the way to Mordor: it might have been his repentance, or fear of the rangers on guard. One thing is for sure though, there’s more than meets the eye when it comes to the death of Drogo and Primula, and a deep fear stopped Gollum from entering the Shire – but are they related?


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