6 Female Heroes The MCU Deserves

2. Squirrel Girl

natalie portman thor
Marvel Comics

Much like the aforementioned Spider-Gwen, Squirrel Girl was never supposed to be anywhere near as popular as she's become in recent years. Believe it or not, she debuted in a story in 1991 alongside Iron Man. She didn't appear again until 1992, where she appeared in one panel in Marvel Year-In-Review '92. She wouldn't show up again until 2005 in the Great Lakes Avengers mini-series.

Her first solo series came in 2015 - The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl was launched on 7th January and was a runaway success. Later the same year, she was announced as a main team member of the New Avengers.

There are potentially hundreds of characters Marvel could introduce to the MCU, so what makes Squirrel Girl so special? The answer is simple: Anna Kendrick. When asked about who, if anyone, she would like to play in the MCU, Kendrick explained how her brother sent her a Squirrel Girl book, and how she could be half squirrel!

Squirrel Girl already has some ties to established characters in the MCU - she was the nanny to Luke Cage & Jessica Jones' daughter, and in her rebooted book she borrowed some tech from Tony Stark to defeat Galactus, so it wouldn't be too difficult to find her a place in the MCU. Find me one person who doesn't want to see 'Squirrel Girl V Galactus' in Phase 4 of the MCU.


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