6 Female Heroes The MCU Deserves

1. Thor

natalie portman thor
Marvel Comics

Okay, I'll be totally up front here: The female Thor is pretty much my favourite comic book ever. As long as it's done right (which, because it's Marvel, of course it will be), Jane Foster's Thor would be the single greatest character to ever appear in the MCU.

From the heartbreak of the cancer-stricken Jane Foster, to the sheer empowerment of Thor, the character takes readers on a rollercoaster ride of emotions that rarely lets up. The books are impossible to put down, and the film would be impossible to look away from.

Much like with Riri Williams taking over from Tony Stark, at some point someone will need to take over from Chris Hemsworth and no-one wants to see that role recast. So why not go a completely different route, and at the end of Hemsworth's final appearance as Thor, have him come across a very sick Jane Foster, the only way to save her being Mjolnir and the power of Thor. It's a great way to pass the torch (or hammer), and a great way to introduce an incredible new character, and remove an old one without any awkward James Bond-esque recasting.


I'm a freelance writer, interview host and film-maker. benjaminallenmedia.com - write | talk | film