6 Movie Characters Who Were Just Too Damn GOOD To Die

6. Red - Pineapple Express

Pineapple Express Danny McBride
Columbia Pictures

As Pineapple Express celebrated its 10-year anniversary recently, Seth Rogen took to Twitter to reveal some behind-the-scenes facts about the film. In amongst all of the injuries and weed stories he posted, he also confirmed that Danny McBride's character Red was supposed to be killed the first time he was shot...

So being funny can literally save your life.

And because McBride's performance was so great, Red ends up surviving the entire film, despite being shot and his car exploding. Apparently, being favoured by the writers is the best plot armour there is.

Presumably, he would have been in line to return for the planned sequel, but the Sony email leak confirmed that plans had moved on and there was no intent to make a follow-up. Still, stranger things have happened...

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