6 Reasons Terminator: Dark Fate Won't Save The Franchise
1. James Cameron Still Isn't Directing
When it was announced that the Terminator rights were finally going back to James Cameron, creator of the two original classics, there was a collective sigh of relief from Terminator fans. Then when it was announced that he had a story for a new sequel, that he would also produce, there was collective excitement.
However, Cameron producing is not the same as Cameron directing, as proven by the likes of Alita: Battle Angel that never quite reaches the heights of its own ambition. There are also the myths of Cameron being very hands on as a producer and infamously giving thousands of notes to his directors. This could lead to Tim Miller not being able to make Dark Fate his own, potentially making the film a bit of a mess due to too much interference.
Ultimately, it's simply a shame that due to his never-ending Avatar commitments, Cameron isn't directing Dark Fate. It would have been fantastic to see what he would have done with Terminator material in 2019, especially if fully invested on directing duties. Who knows, if Dark Fate doesn't save the franchise, maybe he'll direct the next attempt.