One of Tron: Legacys biggest successes came from Daft Punks excellent score. While the score provided for the first film by Wendy Carlos is arguably more experimental, nothing about it stood out enough to be carried over to the sequel 28 years later, allowing the French duo the opportunity to create their score from the ground up. Highly memorable and a shining example of a score perfectly complimenting its film, another Tron would be remiss to leave Daft Punk out of the equation. The duo seems proud of their work and Disney quickly noticed how popular the soundtrack became, so their return, which hopefully would include the further evolution of some of the excellent themes they developed for Legacy along with whatever new material they conjure up, seems like itd be a no-brainer, much to the delight of the series fans. If anything, at least Tron 3 could reveal whether or not the pair survived the explosion of the End of the Line Club.
Writer, film enthusiast, part-time gamer and watcher of (mostly) good television located on the fringe of Los Angeles, who now has his own website at!