2. Rhino

Another strange casting decision considering the classic design of the character was Paul Giamatti as Rhino, the hulking brute of pure muscle and juggernaut-resilience. Hopefully with Harry Osborn, Electro, parental troubles
and Rhino, the film won't get bogged down under it's own weight, and can instead go the Avengers route of just having fun with the amount of personalities on-screen. In this first trailer there are hardly a few seconds of footage where Rhino is in action, instead we do get to see the character design is that of a mechanical exoskeleton suit, complete with flip-down spiked hood and concrete-demolishing feet. It does seem very military in design, replete with what appears to be a model number on the side, and the iconic red star, which has stood for a variety of real-world ideals and motives across time.