The team who brought you The Blue Planet and Planet Earth are back on Netflix with more planet-based fun. Britain's answer to Morgan Freeman, David Attenborough, narrates the popular Frozen Planet series, by taking a closer look at the adventures of life across a year, on the North and South poles. It's not all beautiful landscape shots and stunning frozen vistas, Frozen Planet also tackles global warming. The On Thin Ice special takes a closer look at what life would be like for penguins and Inuit tribes living on the icy continents. Spoiler alert - It'll be quite wet and watery, unless you turn your heating down. The episode proved to be controversial in the US, which was dropped by nearly a dozen networks in the US who believed climate change was simple scaremongering, and didn't want their viewers to have an educated opinion. Your bundle includes The Epic Journey and a special Making of Frozen Planet documentary, so it's easier than ever to check out polar bears and arctic wolves without leaving your living room. Frozen Planet makes a welcome return to Netflix on January 28th.