6 Things The Birds Of Prey Movie Must Do

3. Take A Risk On Costumes

Birds Of Prey Thumb
Warner Bros.

Purists might not like it, but Harley’s departure from her comic book costume has become instantly iconic. Obviously, tattooing ‘Damaged’ on the Joker’s forehead was a disastrous piece of marketing, derailing the Suicide Squad movie before it started. There are far more popular changes though, joining the blue and red Harley camp. Ditching Wolverine’s cartoonish yellow spandex and doing away with Scarlet Witch’s goofy crown come to mind.

Harley herself might get a slight update in the movie to give her a Birds Of Prey spin, but you feel she’ll be adorned in something similar to what Margot Robbie’s worn before. Black Canary’s all over leather is a little bland, but at the same time a redesign could easy send a vibe that’s way too bondage, a la Gail in Sin City. Huntress, on the other hand, is too far in the opposite direction. Her costume has had a few versions over the years but the long cape, horned eye mask and exposed midriff feel a little too ‘comic booky’ to translate well to the screen.

Roman Sionis’ carved black mask and sharp white suit speak for themselves; no change necessary.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)