67 WTF Moments From The Terminator Franchise

26. Jai Courtney Joins The Franchise - Terminator Genisys

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse than Sam Worthington, along comes Jai Courtney to ruin all the fun. In fairness, most fans haven't seen Terminator Genisys yet, but it's hard to be thrilled about the prospect of the maligned actor playing Kyle Reese given his generally poor performances to date, and that he's following the lead of two excellent actors in Michael Biehn and Anton Yelchin. The jury's out for now, but it's not looking good, and the reviews so far aren't doing much to change that.

25. Arnie Doesn't Know Why People Cry - Terminator 2: Judgment Day

Further to the point that the T-800 somehow doesn't know what a baby is, it doesn't know why people cry. Now, this one's a little more plausible given that it's not totally anatomy-related and maybe wouldn't be part of the machine's files in terms of being a cold-blooded killer. Still, though, it would make sense for these infiltrator machines to be outfitted with as much written knowledge about the human condition as possible so that they can better blend in for their task at hand. Instead? The machine doesn't even have a basic knowledge of human emotion. At least the third movie somewhat amends this by having basic psychology be a part of the T-850's new design. In T2 it's of course a set-up for the classic "I know now why you cry" tear-jerking moment, but it's still a bizarre flaw in the machine's architecture.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.