67 WTF Moments From The Terminator Franchise

16. The Black Guy's Reaction To The Machine Gun - The Terminator

Another hilarious moment in the first film comes when the Terminator leaves his pokey hotel room to go on the hunt for Sarah and Kyle, having no qualms about walking down the hallway with his gigantic machine gun because, let's be honest, who the hell is going to hell him not to? One of the apartment's residents walks past in absolute shock, letting out a brilliant, "God damn!", which is pretty much the perfect response really. What else needs to be said?

15. Dyson Reverse-Engineers The T-800's Chip - Terminator 2: Judgment Day

A mind-boggling and terrifically clever plot-point in Terminator 2 returns to the whole "what came first" time paradox which was briefly examined in the first movie. Dyson is developing the neural-net processor for Cyberdyne, but what's revealed later is that the design is reverse-engineered from the remains of the Terminator from the first movie, in effect giving them the technology before it was ever actually originally conceived. As Dyson explains, the original CPU, though damaged, gave them ideas they apparently never would've come up with, though realising the hilarious irony of that statement, he stops himself mid-sentence.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.