7 Awesome Supervillain Costumes In Movies (And 7 That Sucked)

5. Bane (Batman & Robin)

Batman and Robin Joel Schumacher's unique, mindless portrayal of the Bane character was something of a joke, let's be honest - not least because of his hideous appearance. Originally a skinny serial killer serving life in prison, Antonio Diego is transformed into Bane by mad scientist Dr. Jason Woodrue using an experimental drug called "Venom" (about the only thing in this film that was true to the comics, as far as Bane is concerned). As a result, he becomes very muscular but gains sickly green-tinted skin with very prominent veins. He wears a vest with some bizarre-looking apparatus on it, a mask resembling a luchador's crossed with a gimp mask and tubes that pump the Venom in to him (which are flimsy and represent a massive weak point in the costume's make-up). He generally looks far too cartoonish to be taken seriously.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.