7 Awesome Supervillain Costumes In Movies (And 7 That Sucked)

6. Juggernaut (X-Men: The Last Stand)

Juggernaut Jones Vinnie Jones' Juggernaut was horrible, full stop. The portrayal was awful, the needless change of power source (i.e. he was a mutant in the movie and didn't get his powers from Cyttorak) and the massive power down severely nerfed the threat potential of the character - but his appearance didn't help one bit. The helmet was particularly lame and served no particular purpose in the movie, whereas in the comics it serves as a protection from telepathic attacks, much like Magneto's. But it was the body that really sucked. Jones wasn't muscular enough to portray the Juggernaut with his own body (which makes you wonder why they didn't cast a much better actor with more muscles), so he was forced to don a very unconvincing muscle suit which made the top half of his body disproportionate with the bottom. The fact that the leather straps that the character wore on his torso looked like something from a bondage scenario didn't help matters either.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.