7 Awesome Supervillain Costumes In Movies (And 7 That Sucked)

4. Loki (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

loki Loki's Asgardian war getup is very cool. Even the horns on his helmet, which sound very dorky when you actually describe them vocally (and which were the focus point of Tony Stark's "reindeer games" jibe), look intimidating and authoritative. The body suit is heavily armoured - either being a heavy leather-like material or plated with metal on certain extremities, such as his wrists and shoulders. It is black, green and gold in colour, which gives his outfit a kind of regal feel and the cape adds a touch of class, typical of that of a supervillain who thinks a lot of himself.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.