7 Awesome Supervillain Costumes In Movies (And 7 That Sucked)

1. Joker (The Dark Knight)

joker-dark-knight-rises This original and more unkempt version of the Joker, as depicted by the great Heath Ledger in The Dark Knight, has a very awesome look. He wears a custom, brightly coloured, tailored suit which consists of an elegant, purple jacket with matching pin-stripe pants (held up by suspenders rather than a belt). Underneath it, he wears a light blue jacket, green waistcoast and a light purple patterned shirt. On his face, he wears white make-up with blackened eyes and red smeared lipstick over his already gruesome scars and he has greasy, green-dyed, unkempt hair on his head. His make-up and hair is a lot less taken care of than most versions of the Joker and this makes him look even more disturbing and unstable than them. And now on to the seven supervillain costumes that sucked...
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.