7 Awesome Supervillain Costumes In Movies (And 7 That Sucked)

7. Violator (Spawn)

Violator Now, first things first - Violator isn't meant to look cool but, Jesus H. Christ, he isn't meant to look this garbage either. His make-up looks like a cheap clown you'd see at a travelling circus, the hair is horrible, the fat suit worn by John Leguizamo is very uncouth and the leather jacket and ill-fitting trousers are horrid. Essentially, he looks like a fat man enduring a very severe mid-life crisis. And his alternate, demonic form wasn't much better - resembling a hybrid of a fish and one of the Gremlins, resulting in something that looks more like it belongs in a Scoobie Doo movie.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.