7 Behind-The-Scenes Additions That Would Make MCU Phase 4 Brilliant

5. Writer - Diablo Cody

The Raid Marvel Studios
Focus Features

Disney's takeover of Fox acquired some classic Marvel characters that fans are eagerly awaiting the arrival of in the MCU.

Fantastic Four and X-Men are obvious candidates for the next generation of heroes to join the franchise, but one question fans are yet to really ask is what kind of films would theirs be?

With three failed Fantastic Fours and a majority of "passable" X-Men features, we can only hope whoever takes over will do both properties justice.

Capturing language between a family or dialogue between teenagers is difficult at times - mainly because expositing a storyline in between human conversations can be a challenge in of itself - but films like Juno and Tully have proven Diablo Cody can push the drama forward whilst still having a little fun at the same time.

A Fantastic Four film that, during the quiet moments, focuses on the family dynamics of the squad doesn't sound appealing at first, but compare it to the previous incarnations and all of a sudden the idea doesn't sounds fitting.

With Diablo's influence, Marvel could pepper their new character introductions with a shade that is different to the films before it, and remind us that Phase Four is the new generation of heroes.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!