7 Behind-The-Scenes Additions That Would Make MCU Phase 4 Brilliant

4. Director - Miguel Sapochnik

The Raid Marvel Studios

If Game of Thrones' ending revealed anything to us (aside from not getting our hopes up) it's that the technical effort that went into producing the show was on point for 99% of the time.

Some of the later, bigger episodes like The Battle of the Bastards, The Long Night and The Bells, carried with them the weight of being grand battlefields of chaos that had to switch between characters rapidly and keep the audiences engaged.

Miguel Sapochnik showed us what he could do with fantasy, and his work on Altered Carbon and Repo Men proved he wasn't a stranger to different tastes of sci-fi either. Sci-fi and Epic Fantasy make up the formulaic code of a modern-day MCU film, and what better person to direct a sprawling mash-up than a person with an eye and appreciation for spectacle.

If the Russo Brothers decide not to return for the next big team-up, Marvel Studios are going to need to find someone who can generate tension, share time between characters, project scale and be creative with practicality. Who better, than a big battle director from Game of Thrones?


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!