7 Behind-The-Scenes Additions That Would Make MCU Phase 4 Brilliant

3. Writer - Phoebe Waller-Bridge

The Raid Marvel Studios

From the painfully honest narrative of Fleabag to the razor-sharp dialogue of Killing Eve, the hype-train surrounding Phoebe Waller-Bridge could not be more justified.

Her unique writing style is palpable in her short-lived series Crashing, and with her joining the writing side of Bond 25 to polish up the screenplay and add some humanity to the film, who's to say she couldn't do the same with an MCU film or two?

At times MCU films have been rather sweaty with their exposition, and some of the words spoken have felt almost robotic (Vision and Ulton get a pass on that one), so bringing in a writer who actually understands people and conversations could add both charm and humanity to one of the upcoming Phase 4 films.

If Phoebe Waller-Bridge were to join the franchise as part of the writing team, her punching dialogue and comedic pace would be a much needed variety in the next phase of the franchise. Joining the likes of James Gunn and Taika Waititi as one of the names that planted comedic roots into beloved characters is something Phoebe would be welcomed into greatly.

Gone are the days of Joss Whedon's ham-fisted quips. Say hello to tongue-in-cheek whit and self-awareness.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!