7 Behind-The-Scenes Additions That Would Make MCU Phase 4 Brilliant

2. Writer/Director - Alex Garland

The Raid Marvel Studios
A24 Films

Take a look into Alex Garland's back-catalogue of films and while it is a short list by Hollywood's standards, he has proven himself to be an auteur of genre-bending, high-concept pieces that get boiled down and condensed into very tight and personal narratives.

Whether it's a world-saving space mission like Sunshine, a gritty-urban survival thriller like 28 Days later, or a love story involving sentient robot life like Ex Machine, Alex' writing has transcended past plain narratives and left audiences thinking and second-guessing what they just witnessed on screen.

Marvel Studios need a director who isn't safe. To really mix things up in Phase 4, they need someone who can lead you into the cinema expecting one thing and push you out when the film finishes feeling something different.

If superhero fatigue really is a thing studios should be afraid of, their only remedy to cure it might be to start taking audiences down high-conceptual paths unseen before in the MCU.

Subtle visual flares and a controlled take on science-fiction and fantasy aside, Alex Garland has also already proven himself to be familiar with comic books as the writer for the 2012 gem Dredd, and helped audiences take Judge Dredd seriously again.


I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!