7 Best Action Movie Beatdowns Of 2013

5. Rocky Vs The Terminator - Escape Plan

No matter what you thought of Escape Plan, it gave us something many had been waiting for a long time to see: an onscreen fight between Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone. Sure, the characters were technically staging the whole thing but it was still enthralling to see the two action heavyweights exchanging punches and one liners. The careers of Rocky and Terminator had been living up to the moment of watching the two go head to head. It's not the all out brawl we all expected or wanted, but it's intensely satisfying to finally see the two ageing stars match fist for fist and blow for blow. Schwarzenegger even gets to add a new one liner to his bank vault of quotable lines when he says, "you hit like a vegetarian!" Nobody really wins this fight so it's hard to say that it's an action movie beatdown, but it would be impossible to create this list without giving this historic film moment a mention.

Jon Manson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.