7 Best Action Movie Beatdowns Of 2013

4. Arnie Vs Drug Lord - The Last Stand

The Last Stand didn't make many waves at the box office, but it was a rollicking good time full of great one liners and fantastic action from director Kim Jee-Woon and his star Arnold Schwarzenegger. The flick had a very old school, High Noon mentality where our hero, Sheriff Ray Owens, defends his town simply because he feels he should. He stands up for what's right because well, dammit, it's just right! The villain of the picture is trying to make it across the border into Mexico to escape his crimes in the United States. When he is feet away from crossing into a bright new future, he realizes he needs to make it through a beaten down, but still strong, Ray Owens who's waiting with a pair of handcuffs. He offers the small town sheriff money, but the sheriff refuses. The two go at it in a brutal and very well choreographed fight; both take a good beating and by the end, Ray Owens barely scratches out a victory. The beatdown is satisfying because we've been waiting for Owens to have his win the entire film as he makes decisions people think he's crazy for making and he stands on a principle that the villains laugh at. It's one of the best final fights in awhile and certainly proved Schwarzenegger could still give a good old fashioned action movie beatdown when he needed to.

Jon Manson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.