7 Best Action Movie Beatdowns Of 2013

3. Gosling Vs Pansringarm - Only God Forgives

This one makes the list for a different reason. Nicolas Winding Refn's follow-up to Drive was one of the most pretentious and difficult to sit through movies I'd endured in a very long time. I (and many others) hated the film and I especially hated the annoyingly silent protagonist portrayed by Ryan Gosling, and it was all a matter of false advertising: it looked like the film was going to be a smart, stylized meditation on violence but it was just a puzzle of vagueness and pointless scenes. The beatdown from the film that makes the list is the fight between Julian (Gosling) and Chang (Vithaya Pansringarm). It's intensely satisfying because Julian gets his tail kicked in more ways than one. Sure, he keeps standing up and throwing punches that go nowhere, but Chang embarrasses his challenger by proving what a novice he is with his fists. The scene satisfies so much because by the point this scene happens, as a viewer, I hated Julian and his going nowhere quest. I also hated the movie. I just pretended Chang was beating some sense into the producers that decided Only God Forgives was a good idea.

Jon Manson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.