7 Female Disney Villains Who Would Have Been Awesome Leads

4. Helga - Atlantis: The Lost Empire

Disneyvillains Helga She got short changed in terms of story but the impressive mercenary Helga stood out as a tough, considered character and given the film's pre-Victorian period, the fact that several strong female characters were included make this all the more enjoyable, including tough Puerto Rican mechanic Audrey and lead heroine , Atlantean princess and mystical messiah Kida. Helga was the lover and confidante of main baddie Rourke and so his betrayal of her stung bad enough that she helped bring about his downfall at the cost of her own life. While it certainly would have been nice enough to see Helga survive and begin a journey of penance and redemption, the idea of her as a heroine would be equally good. Badass action chick teams up with a nerdy expert and a ragtag team to discover a new world? Sign me up.

Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.