7 Horror Movies Connected By Easter Eggs
4. Shaun Of The Dead And Land Of The Dead

Shaun of the Dead has just about every easter egg ever crammed into its screen time, with foreshadowing and genre references liberally sprinkled into each and every scene. Of course, George A. Romero - the grandad of the zombie genre - wasn't going to get away lightly, with plenty of moments harking back to his early work establishing the zombie film as we know it.
Touched, Romero decided to include Shaun himself, Simon Pegg, and director Edgar Wright as photo booth zombies in his 2005 entry into the Night of the Living Dead series. Land of the Dead itself had a plot that revolved around a zombie population that overwhelms the planet, with a small crop of humans recreating their society on the outskirts of the pandemic.
Since the rebuilding of a zombified planet is the uplifting end message of Shaun of the Dead, parallels can be drawn between the two narratives instantaneously - and it's not a long jump to think that Shaun contracted the zombie disease considering he was still hanging out with his bitten pal Ed.
Either way, it's a lovely little reference between the two that celebrates the connectivity of zombie movies as a whole, and Pegg and Wright's mass recognition from the film that arguably defined their now massive careers.