7 Incredible Similarities Between The Dark Knight Rises And Batman & Robin

4. There Were No Oscar Nominations

Oscars Statuettes
The Wrap

This sounds on the face of it a pretty dumb comparison to make; two films in a long running superhero franchise not getting any Academy attention should come as too much of a shock. But aside from these two movies every single other Batman movie has got at least a nomination. Yes, you read that right; Batman Forever got nominated for an Oscar.

Three in fact, more than both Returns (two) and Begins (one). At least the best of each continuity managed to do better than that; Batman nabbed one for Art Direction and as well as the famous Heath Ledger Best Supporting Actor The Dark Knight also nabbed Sound Editing. Still, the two final entries both not getting even a nomination is strange.

It€™'s to be expected with Batman And Robin, but The Dark Knight Rises was one of the best received films of the year and the previous film was one of the key reasons why we now get up to ten Best Picture nominations, so its complete snub seems to be a continuation of the Academy€™s Nolan ignoring.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.