7 Legitimate Reasons Why Cats Isn't As Bad As You Think

2. Technically, It Is An Accurate Adaptation Of The Show

Cats movie
The Really Useful Group

Judging by the success and reception of the original musical, it isn't illogical to believe that a film adaptation would be a similar hit. The show found great success despite its strange premise, and there was just as much chance that a film could do the same.

Upon its announcement, many believed it would be entirely CG, or feature humans in costumes. These were the only two logical options because there seemed to be no other way to do it. But as soon as the trailer hit, the internet exploded as we discovered what the real intention was.

Theatre-goers may be more used to strange concepts working, but a general audience member is less likely to suspend their disbelief when it comes to outlandish ideas. This may go some way to explaining why it was a hit before but not now.

Because in regards to the musical, this film is incredibly faithful. It doesn't detract too much and adds a lot to strengthen the narrative. It is a genuinely well thought out, expansive adaption. The issue is not in the film itself, but the fact that the concept doesn't work for the screen.

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