7 Major Roles Jennifer Lawrence Wanted (But Didn't Get)

4. Superbad (2007)

Jennifer Lawrence The Force Awakens
Columbia Pictures

Superbad is remembered as a superbly witty flick centered around three high school anti-socialites and their quest for some adult-oriented fun. That quick summary doesn’t do the film justice, obviously, and any fans of films like Pineapple Express and The Hangover are almost certain to totally love it, assuming they haven't already watched it a bunch of times.

The 2007 film helped to launch the career of the then 19-year -old actress Emma Stone. Portraying the character Jules, a popular, attractive high school debutante and the unwitting winner of a young Jonah Hill’s affections, much of the movie is centered around her.

Jennifer Lawrence was actually considered for the role of Jules before casting directors ultimately settled on Stone, but Lawrence's vibrant, perky personality would have made her a fantastic fit for the role.

J-Law often lands roles that demand sincerity, and her stunning, straight-edged performance in the Hunger Games films have cemented her as a dramatic, serious actress. She could have been a comedian, though, and, had she nabbed a lead role in this 2007 comedy vehicle, she may never have had to adopt her tough-girl film persona.


Sometimes I like to write in between sessions of Rocket League.