7 Major Roles Jennifer Lawrence Wanted (But Didn't Get)

2. Twilight (2008)

Jennifer Lawrence The Force Awakens

Though inferior to other young-adult film adaptations, there was a time during which Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series seemed poised to dethrone the likes of Harry Potter.

It was an odd time during which “Teen Vampire Romance” had become a legitimate genre and could be found in bookstores across the country. Much as Pottermania had swept the nation in years previous, everyone from the ages of twelve to twenty seemed to be in love with the faux Romeo and Juliet mythology.

When the time came to crank out a few blockbusters based on Meyer's books, casting was of the utmost importance. The script's source material placed a strong emphasis on Meyer's characters and their relationships to one another, and faulty chemistry among the actors or underwhelming performances could definitely have caused this series to tank.

Jennifer Lawrence could have added so much to a film that would later be regarded as a cinematic flop. Straight-faced and serious, yet capable of showcasing the levity necessary to a series with such an outlandish plot, J-Law could have brought an emotional flair to the production that Kristen Stewart never could.


Sometimes I like to write in between sessions of Rocket League.