7 Most Anticipated Movie Scenes Still To Come In 2015

5. The Accident - Fantastic Four

The Scene: Though Fox have keep details about the Fantastic Four's accident scene pretty close to the chest, the trailers have made it clear that the foursome take part in an experiment which sees them attempting to open a dimensional gateway, and once they arrive there, a cataclysm causes them to become mutated, giving them the iconic superpowers fans know and love. Why We Can't Wait To See It: While, yes, much of Josh Trank's take on the classic comic book looks relatively generic (especially the thoroughly bland design of villain Doom), the actual accident scene itself seems to veer somewhat from the cosmic energy origin story of both the source comic and the previous 2005 movie, so it should at least be something different and unique. Visually, it looks dynamic and interesting, but one question remains: what causes the accident? Hopefully Trank and co. have come up with something interesting beyond "there's an Earthquake and they fall into the green lava". Either way, it'll set the tone early on, and despite the reasonable fan concerns, will hopefully be one of the film's most iconic and memorable scenes (in a good way).

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.