7 Most Important Things We Still Haven't Seen In The X-Men Movies
5. The Shiar Empire
If Fox were going to attempt to bring the space faring Shiar empire to the screen then now would be the time to do it, what with Guardians of the Galaxy already proving so successful as to spawn a sequel and all. The X-Men first come into contact with the Shiar when the Empires corrupt ruler DKen attempts to harness the powerful MKraan crystal to conquer the universe. Hes defeated by his sister Lilandra who reaches out psychically to Xavier and the X-Men for help before becoming the new empress and having a bit of a fling with the Professor. Unfortunately showing the intergalactic Shiar Empire is probably not going to happen, its just too far out there for the universe that Fox is building around its merry mutants and introducing aliens to a world that already fears mutants might trample on the series delicate allegorical subtext. Its also worth noting that the X-Mens dalliances are directly responsible for Jean Grey becoming the Phoenix/Dark Phoenix, and although Days of Future Past rewrote the timeline so that her emo phase in X-Men: the Last Stand no longer happened its unlikely that Singer will want to go over that ground again and make it even more complicated. If youre desperate to see a moving picture version of the ShiAr and Phoenix saga then worry not, the seminal X-Men cartoon of the 1990s adapted it masterfully for the small screen.
Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.