7 Movie Plot Holes No One Ever Talks About

5. King Kong Villagers Build Giant Door For No Reason (1933)

Mad Eye Moody

Imagine, if you will, you’re a villager, on a small, skull shaped island. On your island are giant monsters, including tyrannosaurus rexes, brontosauruses, stegosauruses, and a massive gorilla, which you treat as a god named Kong.

These monsters are dangerous, and wreck your village with regularity, so you and your fellow villagers build a wall big and strong enough to keep those monsters away from your little neck of the beach. Now, you know you need a door to get through the wall, because on the other side of the wall is all the food and prey you and your people need to feed yourselves.

Now, you have a choice right now. You and your villagers are the only people who need to get through the door, so how big do you build it? Now, logically, you would say, “no bigger than a normal door.” And that alone makes you much, much smarter than the people who built this wall.

What the villagers of Skull Island did was build doors the exact height and width of the giant gorilla god they wanted to keep out. Why would you do that? Why would you even think that was a good idea? Hint, it wasn’t!

king kong doors

They were squished horribly after he knocked the doors open. Seems like building a giant wall to keep out the things you don’t like wasn’t a good plan. *CoughTrumpCough*


I'm a writer, father, and student. I was born in the southern United States, and currently reside on the coast of Georgia. I am earning a Bachelor of Fine Art's degree in Creative Writing from Full Sail University.