7 Movie Plot Holes No One Ever Talks About

3. How Is The Factory Still Running? - Charlie And The Chocolate Factory (2005)

Mad Eye Moody
Warner Bros.

How is this factory still running? Before even the kids arrived, that factory should have been shut down. Depending on where the story takes place, either the MHRA or the FDA should have been checking that factory regularly to ensure safe practices and standards for production.

The first visit from an agent, and BOOM! shut down.

Agent: So, you have squirrels shelling your nuts for you?

Wonka: Yes, they’re very efficient, and have been trained for this specifically.

Agent: You have literal rodents, vermin, handling your food? Food people eat?

Wonka: Uh-huh!

willy wonka

Agent: And earlier, I saw you have unpaid villagers from some rain forest doing all the work?

Wonka: Yes, the Oompa Loompas. I saved them from the vermicious knids.

Agent: Riiight, and you ride a boat around in your chocolate, yes?

Wonka: Isn’t it wonderful?

Agent: Riiight, so, you’re shut down forever. Never give your chocolates to another living soul, you horrible slave driving, vermin employing, chocolate polluting monster.


I'm a writer, father, and student. I was born in the southern United States, and currently reside on the coast of Georgia. I am earning a Bachelor of Fine Art's degree in Creative Writing from Full Sail University.