7 Movie Plot Holes No One Ever Talks About

2. Men In Black III Didn't Really Need To Be So Complicated

Mad Eye Moody
Columbia Pictures

The basic plot of MIB3 was that Agent J, caught in the past, had to help a young Agent K get a small device into orbit. This device would ensure that the Earth was protected from threats in the future.

The problem? They had no way to get it to space without using a NASA rocket. They succeed, and the timeline is saved. See, it had already happened in the past, so K just needed to make sure it still happens, because a villain from the future went back to change it, and man, this was a convoluted plot.

There’s a bit wrong with all that. Namely, you’re an organization that deals with aliens and alien immigration. It’s not beyond the realm of believable that there are a few interstellar spaceships on Earth at the time of the story. How hard would it have been to call in a favor or two? “Hey, Zxytlpok, we were wondering if we could borrow your ship for a bit, we need to make a quick trip to the atmosphere real fast, is that cool?”

men in black 3

Hell, isn’t it entirely likely there would have been an agent of the MIB that would have been an alien themselves? Or even some kind of interstellar organization that transported aliens to or from Earth, like some kind of space bus?

But no, lets hinge the safety of earth on an unproven NASA rocket. Good job, MIB, really… stellar.


I'm a writer, father, and student. I was born in the southern United States, and currently reside on the coast of Georgia. I am earning a Bachelor of Fine Art's degree in Creative Writing from Full Sail University.