7 Movie Plot Holes No One Ever Talks About

1. Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire

Mad Eye Moody
Warner Bros.

Oh the comment section should be fun for this one.

Harry Potter’s fourth installment is possibly the absolute worst in the series. It’s completely different from the rest of the books. The other six were equal parts mystery, wonder, suspense, and celebration. Goblet was just a painfully long action movie, with very little of the other elements. Then there’s the giant, throbbing plot hole.

Barty Crouch, in the guise of Mad Eye Moody, has a job. He has to get Harry to Volde- uh, he-who-must-not-be-named. To do this, he bewitches the Triwizard Cup to become a portkey, then makes damn sure Harry touches it. This is all planned out by you-know-hissle, and his plan goes off with only one hitch, Cedric Diggory touches it too.

But why go through all that? Why not bewitch a quill, a shoe, or any other thing, call Harry to his office, toss it at him, and go about his day? Why risk Harry not being the first to the cup? Why did Crouch make Harry a better fighter along the way? Why not just send him to you-know-who, let the real moody out of his trunk, and skip town? Hell, he could have let the weakened moody out, left behind his stuff, and rode the portkey with Harry, and been showered with praise and adoration by no-nose-snakey-face forever.

And while we’re on the subject of the portkey, why did he make it a two-way key? We never see that anywhere else, unless it’s on a timer, like the ones for the Quidditch World Cup. Every other portkey is one-way, such as the ones the order uses in the beginning of Deathly Hallows, to get from the order homes to the Burrow. Moldy-wart was absolutely the worst plan maker ever.

harry potter

Or was he? Maybe, just maybe, Crouch had actually pulled a Regulus Black, and turned on chalk-white-bald-boy, and went through this ridiculous setup to ensure Harry was as prepared as he could possibly be to face you-know-who. Maybe he made the key two-way to ensure he’d have a way to get back to Hogwarts. Maybe his constant drilling on defending against the dark arts was to make Harry a better soldier in the war on the Death Eaters. Who knows?


I'm a writer, father, and student. I was born in the southern United States, and currently reside on the coast of Georgia. I am earning a Bachelor of Fine Art's degree in Creative Writing from Full Sail University.