7 Perfect Casting Choices For The Justice League Movie

3. Michael K. Williams As Martian Manhunter

Michael K. Williams is something of a cult hero amongst TV fans thanks to his roles as Omar Little in The Wire, Chalky White in Boardwalk Empire and, er, James the Policeman in R. Kelly's Trapped In The Closet. You know, the guy who finds the midget in the cabinet. Williams has been cropping up in more and more high profile films lately, including the Robocop reboot, Inherent Vice, The Purge: Anarchy and Paul Feig's upcoming Ghostbusters. Martian Manhunter J'onn J'onzz is well known for being a creature of integrity and logic, a quiet soul who has seen great troubles and deals with the loss of his home race by protecting his adopted home on Earth and anybody who is familiar with William's work will know how well he can portray deep sincerity with just a glance. With some of the most expressively resigned but intelligent eyes in the business he can also lend likability and sympathy to a character whose means and ends sometimes differ from what we expect in polite society, such as the code of honour that drove Omar Little to rob from drug dealers. The ability to show steadfast self-belief in the face of opposition would sit neatly with a character from another planet entirely who acts the hero but hasn't had Superman's earthbound experiences. Where Williams would really shine however, would be in playing the Manhunter's earth based alter ego, John Jones, a hard boiled police detective - he would certainly be capable of inhabiting Jones' fight against crime before bringing the calm and logical Martian Manhunter to life.

Stereotypically awkward writer, gamer and general nerd. Dislikes writing in the third person, likes tea as much as the next man but not as much as a typical blogger and has breath as fresh as a summer ham.