7 Reasons Deadpool Has The Edge Over X-Men: Apocalypse

2. Fun vs Melodrama

No doubt about it, Deadpool is going to be roller-coaster ride of hilarity, violence and avocado sex (as in avocados having sex with each other, not someone having sex with an avocado). Have a read of what Skrein had to say about the filming of Deadpool:
"When you have people like Ryan Reynolds and T.J. Miller in the movie, you can guarantee that they are going to be riffing. Especially T.J. He was like an uncontrollable substance. He made everyone on the set laugh so much, he had everyone in tears."
With statements like these and an abundance of funny being brought in the trailers and promos, it€™s clear that Deadpool has its tongue placed in-cheek so hard that it€™s going to make a hole. The X-Men films take their tone in a completely different direction, as they are typically stocked with mutant melodrama. Age Of Apocalypse will be no different. Although these movies have relevant social commentary and tackle important issues such as corrupt governments, bigotry and the origin of Wolverine€™s jacket, they can become very heavy-handed. Deadpool, however, will focus on important topics such as chimichangas, hollow points and Beau Arthur, as well as provide a satirical look at comic book movies. With comic book films becoming increasingly darker for not all the right reasons (we're looking at you, Man Of Steel), the industry could use a movie that makes fun of it. Kick-Ass was a successful testament that superhero flicks are appropriately ripe for ribbing (also, that children make swearing sound that much cooler). Deadpool is going to scratch that very itch without the assistance of adamantium claws. It will be refreshing to see a superhero film that isn€™t trying to make you forget that you are watching a movie in which a man not named Gene Simmons has a ten-foot tongue that is somehow a better actor than Halle Berry.

When I was a kid, I used to think the moon followed our car everywhere.