7 Reasons Why Jon Kasdan Is Perfect For Indiana Jones 5

4. He's A Great Storyteller Outside Of Lucasfilm

Raiders Lost Ark Harrison Ford Indiana Jones
Warner Bros.

With Solo under his belt and now an Indiana Jones script on the horizon, Kasdan is quickly becoming an in-house Lucasfilm darling. But that's certainly not all he is.

Kasdan has written and directed two films of his own, In the Land of Women and The First Time. Both of these are romantic comedies, but they show off Kasdan's strong storytelling attributes. Both feature great ensemble casts, whip-smart dialogue, great character dynamics, and strong direction.

On top of this, Kasdan also did extensive writing on some of the more popular cult television shows of the last twenty years. He worked with Apatow and co. on Freaks & Geeks, writing the fan-favorite episode, The Little Things. He also worked on the ever-beloved Dawson's Creek, writing a total of four episodes over the course of the show's run, all of which were pivotal episodes that capitalized on huge narrative arcs.

Great storytelling comes so naturally to Kasdan, that it's almost as if it's in his blood...


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.