7 Reasons Why Jon Kasdan Is Perfect For Indiana Jones 5

3. The Kasdan Name

Raiders Lost Ark Harrison Ford Indiana Jones
Paramount Pictures

And that's because it is.

The aforementioned Lawrence Kasdan, Jon's father, is a legendary screenwriter and director in his own right. When George Lucas was originally crafting his follow-up to the original Star Wars, it was Kasdan that he turned to pen the script. That film wound up being Empire Strikes Back and is still to this day, held in high reverence as one of the greatest sequels of all time.

Off the back of that, Kasdan was invited onto a new project that Lucas was collaborating on with his good friend Steven Spielberg. Kasdan accepted, writing up a script for a film that wound up becoming Raiders of the Lost Ark, introducing the world to Indiana Jones. Kasdan would then help Lucas write the script for Return of the Jedi, before moving on to write and direct his own films. Films like The Big Chill, Silverado, and Grand Canyon would go on to cement Kasdan's legacy as a stellar director as well as a writer.

But notably, despite returning to the Star Wars franchise multiple times over the years, Kasdan was never involved with any of the other Indiana Jones films. So it's more than a bit fitting that after decades, his son, Jon Kasdan, his writing the script that is set to say goodbye to Harrison Ford's take on the character and usher in a new generation for the franchise.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.