7 Reasons Why The Rearranging Of Fox's Marvel Release Dates Is A Good Thing

3. Verbinski Moves On

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Francois Mori/AP

Coinciding with the announcement of the release date changes, was the news that the latest in a long, long line of directors to be attached to Gambit, Gore Verbinski, would be leaving the film. Again, this is certainly nothing new, and in fact, its the best news we could have possibly gotten.

Verbinski made his breakthrough into the mainstream with the original, American version of The Ring. He went on to make oodles of money for Disney, helming the original three Pirates of the Caribbean films. Since then, Verbinski has specialized in crafting much stranger, more experimental thrillers, such as 2016's A Cure for Wellness.

All of this to say, Verbinski was not a good fit for Gambit. His talents lie elsewhere, and the film would have ultimately been hurt by having Verbinski's vision grafted on to it.

For proof of this, one need look no further than Verbinski last two blockbuster films; Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End and The Lone Ranger. Both of those films stepped out of line, came in over-budget, and the latter of the two was a huge commercial and critical flop for Disney.

Let Verbinski continue on his strange, art-house journey, and let Gambit recruit a more capable and sturdy choice for its director. Everyone wins.


A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.