7 Scenes Introducing A Superhero That Completely Nailed It

3. The Avengers In Avengers Assemble (2012)

This one is a little bit of a cheat as it's the debut of a team rather than a single hero, but for the achievement of doing justice to The Avengers as part of a multi-film, multi-year strategy is well worth a place on this list. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has certainly been a commercial success (as of time of writing, Avengers Assemble is the third highest grossing film ever made), but seeing the big guns of Marvel Comics team up to take on a common foe in Avengers Assemble was the moment for many that the series realised its true potential. The shot circling the group as they take a breather during the climactic battle against the alien Chitauri across New York City has already become something of a touchstone for Marvel's film output, and an almost unparalleled attempt at a highly complex, intertwining movie universe. Since the success of the Avengers' first outing, Marvel have significantly increased the scope of their output, with the upcoming Ant-Man and Guardians of the Galaxy proving that the company aren't finished taking risks just yet.

English guy, usually found knocking around Edinburgh. Likes films and that kind of thing.