8 Comic Book Film Adaptations You Didn't Know Were In Development

6. Naruto

Remember when Lionsgate were an independent studio who specialised in smaller, more ambitious projects that the major studios had no interest in? Those days are long gone, and now they're another cashgrabber distributing blockbusters like The Hunger Games and Expendables movies. Their latest endeavour? A live action adaptation of Naruto, Masashi Kishimoto's 200+ million selling manga series, with VFX artist and first time director Michael Gracey directing. Because Lord knows the world needs another Dragonball: Evolution. The manga follows Naruto Uzumaki, a reckless young warrior who dreams of becoming Hokage, or leader, of his village, as he battles to keep the land at peace. The series has become so huge that it's one of the few manga series to truly have gained mainstream recognition in the western world, which is certainly no mean feat; a live-action movie was bound to happen sooner rather than later. Whilst the film may not seem like a good idea, people should always try to be optimistic and not to judge a book by its cover. After all, the signature fantasy martial arts fights of the series will sure look cool in live-action.
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